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Cutting Up with Kathy

"Giving to Others"

This year my husband & I felt a burden on our hearts to sponsor a "Christmas Drive" for our local Sheriff's Youth Ranch which provides a safe environment for children in our area.

With joyful hearts, we had so much fun heading out for shopping trips to purchase toys, cars, dolls, bears, stuffed animals, beanies, books, socks, sports equipment & anything else we could find. The task seemed a bit overwhelming at moments, but the joy was indescribable.

So with the help of a few friends, we bought, wrapped & tagged each individual gift & silently prayed for each child as each gift was wrapped.

So today, with overwhelming joy, humble hearts & tears in our eyes, we delivered our heart-felt gifts to the Youth Ranch.

My thoughts for you today are this:

Everything we do for someone else, no matter how small it may seem, will make a big difference in someone's life. So, even when it seems so insignificant, give, show kindness & thoughtfulness, as you never know what someone else is going through & you may be the one, just to brighten someone's day along the way.

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